The Routledge International Handbook
of Restorative Justice
Theo Gavrielides, 2018
Gavrielides, T. (2018). The Routledge International Handbook of Restorative Justice, London: Routledge.
ISBN: 978-1-4724-8070-5
About the Routledge International Handbooks
Routledge International Handbooks bring together the world’s leading scholars to provide a cutting-edge, critical overview of current research and future trends in social sciences and humanities, while at the same time providing an authoritative guide to theory and method, the key sub-disciplines, and the primary debates of today.
About the Routledge International Handbook of Restorative Justice
For the first time, restorative justice will be the focus of a prestigious series such as the International Handbooks. The aim of the Handbook is to provide scholars, students and policymakers from around the world with a definite, up-to-date resource on restorative justice with a comprehensive and authoritative review of its research in new and contested areas. A secondary objective is to support innovative practice in restorative justice including but not limited to mediation (direct and indirect), conferencing, circles, board and panels. Particular attention is paid to grey areas of practice.
Bringing together contributors from across a range of jurisdictions, disciplines and legal traditions, the book will provide a concise but critical review of existing and new theory and practice in restorative justice. Authors will identify the key developments, theoretical arguments and new empirical evidence relevant to their specific issue or concept, evaluating their merits and demerits, and then turn attention to further questions or concerns that will inform and improve the future of restorative justice.
Restorative justice is a fast growing field and thus this up-dated handbook is overdue. The Handbook will publish papers that have not been appeared elsewhere and which will bring to the fore ground-breaking research and new normative propositions in contested areas in restorative justice. The chapters will be written by leading and established researchers and practitioners in restorative justice, making the companion a valuable reference resource. Although the Handbook will aim to address first the fields of criminology and law, the contributors will also draw from a number of different disciplines. As a cross-discipline, restorative justice must look beyond the law for its future development, and this volume will help the field achieve this objective. The authors will also be encouraged to survey the current state of research on each topic, including their own work, but not to the exclusion of others. The chapters will be similar to sophisticated review, empirical papers or literature survey articles. As the subject is continually evolving, the contributors will be asked to reflect current thinking, but also point to directions for future research.
The companion is divided into four parts, dealing with: Theory | Practice | Critical Thinking | The Future |
This approach will allow contemporary theoretical and normative questions to be addressed and developed at the beginning of the collection. The book will then move on to answer empirical questions around restorative justice practice. The third section will engage the reader with key critiques of restorative justice making the volume a truly balanced contribution. Finally, the last section will look into the future, and posit key recommendations for policy, research and practice, providing much needed questions for further exploration.
Book audience: Senior-level capstone courses and upper-level seminars that review and expand on key areas of study in restorative justice, criminology, social sciences, social theory, psychology and positive psychology, law, neuroscience, human rights, criminal justice, and political science departments. The book is also intended for researchers, policymakers, practitioners and campaigners from around the world.
"Now, in its second generation, restorative justice is not a wild dream: it is a reality, and I for one am energized by the new and younger voices that are emerging.
It is important to open space for these new voices and emerging themes. As a first-generation developer and practitioner, now at the end of my career, it seems appropriate that this may be the last book forward I write for the field. It is time to make room for others of this new generation. Much appreciation to Theo Gavrielides, himself a representative of this new generation, for leading the way through this Handbook"
Professor Howard Zehr (Distinguished Professor of Restorative Justice, Co-Director, Zehr Institute for Restorative Justice, Center for Justice & Peacebuilding, Eastern Mennonite University, USA).
"This book is perhaps the most comprehensive and certainly the most up-to-date collection on restorative justice. It goes to some topics rarely addressed in earlier volumes … and embraces a wider range of critiques of restorative justice than most volumes on the subject … Furthermore, in its geographical coverage, this international Handbook is much broader than older collections … We are grateful to Theo Gavrielides for bringing so many voices into the conversation. Many inspiring restorative justice leaders in the past have mobilized convening power toward projects of listening, but none more widely nor in more diverse ways than Theo Gavrielides in recent years."
Professor John Braithwaite (Distinguished Professor and Founder of RegNet (the Regulatory Institutions Network) at the Australian National University, Australia).
"A decade after the first two “Handbooks of Restorative Justice”, this successor comes timely. It is an update of developments in ideas and current debates, and of a great part of the relevant literature. A new generation of authors is emerging. Restorative justice researchers, advocates and critics should have it."
Professor Lode Walgrave, Professor of Criminology at Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, chair of the International Network for Research in Restorative Justice for Juveniles and editor of Restorative Justice and the Law, Belgium.
"In its breadth and depth, this impressive collection represents a new chapter in one of the most remarkable stories in criminal justice of the past century. Restorative justice has grown from the radical, abstract vision of 30 years ago into a fully fledged field of study and practice, worthy of this important international handbook."
Professor Shadd Maruna, author of Making Good: How Ex-Convicts Reform and Rebuild Their Lives.
"This book offers thoughtful and varied approaches to reconciliation and community resilience. As readers, we see that inclusive approaches to justice--involving loved ones, community support systems, and cultural context--offer real hope for renewal and personal peace. This book challenges the punitive aspects of the current criminal justice system, to be sure, but also offers practical tools for transformative leaders to nurture restoration, reformation, and healing. A pathway forward is found through the wisdom of the scholars here, all of whom are committed to restorative justice and a more resilient future".
Prof. Maya Soetoro University of Hawaii Manoa
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Book Review
Table of Contents
Professor Howard Zehr (Distinguished Professor of Restorative Justice, Co-Director, Zehr Institute for Restorative Justice, Center for Justice & Peacebuilding, Eastern Mennonite University, USA).
Preface: The Future of restorative justice
Professor John Braithwaite (Distinguished Professor and Founder of RegNet (the Regulatory Institutions Network) at the Australian National University, Australia).
Introduction & Acknowledgements
Professor Theo Gavrielides (Founder and Director of The RJ4All International Institute, UK; Co-Director of Restorative Justice for All, Visiting Professor at Bucks New University UK; Adjunct Professor at the School of Criminology, Simon Fraser University, Canada).
Chapter 1: Looking at the past of restorative justice: Normative reflections on its future
Professor Carolyn Boyes-Watson (Department of Sociology, Director of the Center for Restorative Justice at Suffolk University, Boston, USA).
Chapter 2: Pushing the theoretical boundaries of restorative justice: Non-sovereign justice in radical political and social theories
Dr Giuseppe Maglione (Lecturer in Criminology, School of Applied Sciences, Edinburgh Napier University, Scotland)
Chapter 3: Human rights and restorative justice
Professor Ann Skelton (Director of the Center for Child Law, University of Pretoria, and UNESCO Chair Education Law in Africa, South Africa).
Chapter 4: Beyond restorative justice: Social justice as a new objective for criminal justice
Professor Nestor Courakis (Emeritus Professor of Criminology and Penology at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece; Faculty of Law and a full-time Professor at the University of Nicosia, Cyprus) and Professor Theo Gavrielides (Founder and Director of The IARS International Institute, UK; Co-Director of Restorative Justice for All, Visiting Professor at Bucks New University UK; Adjunct Professor at the School of Criminology, Simon Fraser University, Canada).
Chapter 5: Returning to indigenous traditions of peacemaking and peacekeeping: From Jirga (TDR) to restorative justice (ADR) in Pakistan
Ali Gohar (Founder of Just Peace Initiatives, Pakistan).
Chapter 6: Differentiating restorative justice from peacemaking
Robert E. Mackay (Edan Resolutions, Australia).
Chapter 7: Recovery and restorative justice: Systems for generating social justice
Anna Kawalek (Associate Lecturer, Doctoral Researcher, Helena Kennedy Centre for International Justice, Law and Criminology Department, Sheffield Hallam University, UK), Michael Edwards (Visiting Professor, Sheffield Hallam University, UK) and Professor David Best (Professor of Criminology, Sheffield Hallam University, UK).
Chapter 8: Victims and offenders' perceptions and experiences of restorative justice: The evidence from London, UK
Professor Theo Gavrielides (Founder and Director of The RJ4All International Institute, UK; Co-Director of Restorative Justice for All, Visiting Professor at Bucks New University UK; Adjunct Professor at the School of Criminology, Simon Fraser University, Canada).
Chapter 9: Victims and restorative justice: Bringing theory and evidence together
Professor Arthur Hartmann (Professor in Victimology, University for Public Administration and Applied Sciences Bremen, Germany).
Chapter 10: Restorative justice and child sexual abuse: Talking from evidence
Professor Karen Terry (John Jay College of Criminal Justice, Department of Criminal Justice, Interim Associate Provost of Research and Strategic Partnerships, USA).
Chapter 11: Complex cases of restorative justice after serious crime: creative and enabling spaces for those with disability
Dr. Jane Bolitho (School of Social Sciences, University of New South Wales, Australia)
Chapter 12: Restorative policing for the 21st century: Historical lessons for future practice
Professor Kerry Clamp (Assistant Professor of Criminology, Law and Social Sciences, the University of Nottingham, UK)
Chapter 13: Restorative justice: When and what works with intimate partner violence
Dr. Anne Hayden (Research Associate of the Office of the Pro-Vice Chancellor, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand, Winston Churchill Fellows Association member, Council of Elders, Restorative Justice Aotearoa member, New Zealand).
Chapter 14: Evaluating the success of restorative justice conferencing: A values based approach
Professor Jonathan Doak (Law School, Nottingham Trent University, UK) and Professor David O’Mahony (Law School, University of Essex, UK).
Chapter 15: Restorative Practice in Health and Healthcare Settings
Dr. Dan Reisel (NIHR Academic Clinical Fellow University College London, UK) and Janine Carroll (Director of Restorative Now)
Chapter 16: Traffic congestion and road rage: A restorative case study to road sharing
Dr. Marian Liebmann (Restorative Justice trainer and Honorary Research Fellow, University of Bristol, UK)
Chapter 17: Restorative justice in universities: Case studies of what works with restorative responses to student misconduct
Professor David Karp (Professor of Sociology, Skidmore College, New York, USA), and Megan Schachter (Skidmore College, New York, USA).
Chapter 18: Restorative justice reentry planning for the imprisoned: An evidence-based approach to recidivism reduction
Dr. Lorenn Walker JD, MPH (Hawai‘i Friends of Restorative Justice, Public Health Educator, Trainer, Facilitator & Restorative Lawyer, USA) and Dr. Janet Davidson (Associate Provost, Academic Affairs Professor, Criminology & Criminal Justice, Chaminade University of Honolulu, USA).
Chapter 19: Architecture and restorative justice: Designing with values and well-being in mind
Dr. Barbara Toews (Assistant Professor at the University of Washington, Tacoma / Designing Justice +Designing Spaces, USA)
Chapter 20: Restorative interventions in Chinese communities: Cultural-specific skills and challenges
Professor Dennis S W WONG (Professor in Social Work and Criminology, Associate Dean, College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences, Hong Kong) and Wendy C.Y. Lui (Lecturer in Law, Department of Law and Business, Shue Yan University, Hong Kong).
Chapter 21: Is changing lenses possible?: The Chilean case study of integrating restorative justice into a hierarchical criminal justice system
Dr. Isabel Ximena González Ramírez (Director, Centro de Mediación y Arbitraje, Universidad Central de Chile, Chile).
Chapter 22: Is restorative justice possible through the eyes of lay people? A Polish evidence-based case study
Anna Matczak (Department of Sociology, London School of Economics, Department of Sociology, UK and Collegium Civitas, Warsaw, Poland).
Chapter 23: Restorative justice as a colonial project in the disempowerment of Indigenous peoples
Dr. Juan Tauri (University of Wollongong, Australia).
Chapter 24: Restorative Justice and Reoffending: a “user’s guide” to the assessing the research and claims about restorative justice and recidivism
Dr. William Wood (Senior Lecturer, Griffith University and Associate Editor of Victims & Offenders, Australia) and Ellie Piggott (School of Criminology and Criminal Justice, Griffith University, Australia).
Chapter 25: Restorative Justice? Compared to what?
Professor Annalise Acorn (School of Law, University of Alberta, Canada).
Chapter 26: Restorative justice and the therapeutic tradition: Looking into the future
Professor Gerry Johnstone (Professor of Law, Course Director, MA in Restorative Justice, Law School, University of Hull, UK).
Chapter 27: True representation: The Implications of restorative practices for the future of democracy
Ted Wachtel (Founder and former president of the International Institute for Restorative Practices, USA)
Chapter 28: The best is yet to come: Unlocking restorative practice’s true potential
Terry O'Connell (Director, Real Justice, Australia).
Chapter 29: The new generation of restorative justice
Professor Carl Stauffer (Eastern Mennonite University, Center for Justice and Peacebuilding, Assistant Professor of Justice & Development, Co-Director of the Zehr Institute for Restorative Justice, USA) and Professor Johonna Turner (Assistant Professor of Restorative Justice and Peacebuilding, Center for Justice and Peacebuilding, Eastern Mennonite University, USA).
Chapter 30: Transforming powers and restorative justice
Professor George Pavlich (Professor of Law and Sociology, Canada Research Chair in Social Theory, Culture and Law, University of Alberta, Canada).
Chapter 31: Extending the reach of restorative justice
Dr. Martin Wright (Senior research fellow at the Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, De Montfort University, Leicester, UK)
Epilogue: Restorative justice with care and responsibility
Professor Theo Gavrielides (Founder and Director of The RJ4All International Institute, UK; Co-Director of Restorative Justice for All, Visiting Professor at Bucks New University UK; Adjunct Professor at the School of Criminology, Simon Fraser University, Canada).
Editorial Guidelines