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This is an evidence based training manual that is intended for all practitioners who work with refugee and asylum-seeking women. Although the main areas of concern as identified by refugee women are health and legal services, the manual may be used by other professionals as well, as it covers basic facts on gender-based violence and asylum system in the UK.


Any professional can play a significant role in identifying refugee women's support needs and signposting or referring them to other services. The manual also sets out to raise awareness of the prevalence of violence against women and girls in refugee communities. Given how vast, and constantly changing, this area of practice is, professionals are provided with lists of resources for further consultation.

Gender sensitivity in the asylum process: Training manual

    • About project;
    • Introduction;
    • Basic facts on gender-based violence;
    • Supporting women affected by gender-based violence;
    • The asylum context: communication and interviewing techniques;
    • Exercises;
    • Index,
    • Bibliography;
    • Appendices.


    This is an e-book available only in pdf and Kindle. For Amazon kindle purchase follow the link

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