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Gavrielides, T. (2008). Addressing Race Hate through Restorative Justice: A youth-led case study: London – Bradford – Liverpool. London: IARS Publications. ISBN: 978-1-907641-37-4.


This is an e-book available only in pdf and Kindle. For Amazon kindle purchase follow the link


This e-book reports on the findings of “The Young People’s Hate Crime Project, which was set up by a group of young volunteers at Independent Academic Research Studies, to research the dynamics of race hate in the three different urban locations of Bradford, Liverpool and London, and whether restorative justice (“RJ”) might be a way of reducing racial prejudice.


This e-book is the result of a project that was designed and delivered from the ground up by a team of young volunteers, which allowed for emphasis to be placed on understanding how young people experience hate crime and whether this varies between different locations.


Through exploring the spectrum of race hate related incidents across each city, it was hoped that a clearer and more developed picture could be formed of the dynamics through which this phenomenon takes place. In light of such dynamics it was the overarching objective of this project to question from a youth perspective the perceived usefulness of RJ to deal with hate crime.


Additionally, this youth led project aimed to answer the following questions:


  • How do young people understand hate crime and what do they think are its implications for them, and the society in which they live?
  • Should policy and legislative measures to address hate crime against and by young people be geographically sensitive?
  • Would face to face or indirect dialogue facilitated by a trained mediator (RJ) be one way of breaking down the biases that lead to hate incidents
  • Do young people feel RJ can function as an alternative dispute reconciliation process outside the criminal justice system? How safe is it and how realistic?

Addressing Race Hate through Restorative Justice

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