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This is the e-book version of the book. For the desk copy follow this link. Also available on Kindle - follow this link


This book is based on user-led, new research and explores the extent to which the mental health needs of young women are identified and met whilst in, and after leaving, police custody. London, England was the location of the research but the findings and recommendations are relevant to researchers, practitioners and policy makers worldwide.

The research that informed this book was carried out by young, female researchers who undertook interviews with the peers with direct experience of police custody while dealing with mental heath issues. The research identifies the need for greater consistency in catering for this group's needs as well as developing specialist services for black and minority ethnic women with mental health challenges whilst in police custody. The book also puts forward recommendations for effective interventions and better service provision. It also helps address stereotypes around what constitutes evidence and who can carry out credible research.



"This book brings forth the issues of gender and mental health as key considerations for achieving a more effective criminal justice system that supports individuals in moving away from their offending behaviour rather than finding more opportunities to give harsher penalties and sentences". - Alison Saunders, Chief Crown Prosecutor, CPS 


"A timely reminder of the salience of gender to criminal justice policy in meeting the mental health needs of young women while in police custody". - Dr Loretta Trickett, Nottingham Trent University

Listening to Young Women in Police Custody: Mental health needs-police response

  • Preface & Acknowledgements: Professor Dr. Theo Gavrielides,

    IARS Founder and Director


    Foreword: Alison Saunders, Chief Crown Prosecutor for London


    • Introduction,
    • Problem Statement & Research Methodology;
    • Understanding Mental Health Issues Amongst Young Women Who Offend;
    • Findings from the Fieldwork: Young Women's Experiences of Identification and Provision of Support for Mental Health Needs in Police Custody;
    • Discussion & Recommendations;
    • Concluding Thoughts;
    • Bibliography. 
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