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The present study has been produced within the NNS Erasmus+ projects which comprises a consortium made up of four organizations from four different countries in Europe.


Project Background


Youth unemployment in the EU is at 16.9%, this accounts for about 3.4 million unemployed young people in the EU. The rate of EU adult employment is 9.3%, this is almost half the unemployment rate of youth.


The NEETs Need sport project aims to tackle these statistical barriers that EU youth are facing by increasing the employability of marginalized young people who are not in employment, education, or training (NEETs) through developing a set of training tools for youth workers/sport coaches. This project will use sport as a learning tool through interactive, fun, and educational development activities delivered efficiently to young people.


Co-funded by Erasmus+

NNS COMPARATIVE STUDY On working methods of youth workers in their relation [..]

  • To cite this ebook: NNS Partnership (2023). NNS COMPARATIVE STUDY On working methods of youth workers in their relation with marginalized young people. London: RJ4All Publications, ISBN: 978-1-911634-94-2

    Authors: The NEETs Need sport  Partnership

    Editor: Dr. Theo Gavrielides

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