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Power abuse resulting to injustices, poverty and human rights violations is a reality. It is also a growing phenomenon that we silently witness in our communities hoping that someone will finally do something about it. I felt that I had to respond to this need by creating Restorative Justice for All (RJ4All) and with the strong belief and determination to help rebalance power.

From here, you can access some of my work whether this relates to organisations I set up, published work or ad hoc projects. Feel free to drop me an email with your thoughts or questions. I learn every day.


Restorative Justice for All International Institute (RJ4All)

I am the Founder and Director of RJ4All, which is an international institute with a mission to address power abuse and relieve poverty through the use of restorative justice values and practices.


We advance community cohesion and human rights, as we redistribute power in a more equal way by delivering social justice and poverty relief projects, educational programmes and high quality volunteering opportunities to the most marginalised groups of society while supporting civil society to achieve its mission.

RJ4All Sports

I am the Founder of RJ4All Sports, which is the charitable fitness branch of the Restorative Justice for All International Institute (RJ4All). At RJ4All, we believe that to address disadvantage and rebalance power in society in a more equal way, we must adopt a holistic approach. We believe in the power of sports in bringing people together, addressing marginalision and community cohesion issues, while improving well-being and health outcomes. This is why we created the "RJ4All Sports" brand!

RJ webinars

Restorative Justice webinar series

Through these free webinar series, I cover emerging and challenging themes within the restorative justice theory and practice including domestic violence, gender based violence, mental health, power abuse, racism and inequalities.


Some seminars include high profile guests from around the world sharing their own experience and expertise in restorative justice. The seminars are available through the RJ4All Youtube channel and as podcasts on Spotify.

RJ4All Publications

In 2013, I set up RJ4All Publications to act as the independent, publishing arm of the RJ4All International Institute. RJ4All Publications is now recognised as the world’s leading, independent publisher of restorative justice e-books. It is also the publisher of two peer-reviewed journals: The Internet Journal of Restorative Justice and the Youth Voice Journal.


We also specialise in social sciences and the publication of cutting-edge research including but not limited to restorative justice, youth issues, criminal justice, equality and human rights.


Health and Social Care

The right to health and social care is often forgotten by governments and international bodies and I am passionate to support work that brings it to the forth for research, policy and practice. My most recent work involves working with the Buckinghamshire Health and Social Care Academy to collect primary and secondary data that would help develop a Framework for Social Care nurses. This resulted in the publication of three books the latest one being Gavrielides, T. et al (2024). Developing a Framework for Social Care Nurses: Enhanced or Advanced Practice? A critical literature review, London: RJ4All Publications. 

Moreover, I am work with the BHSCA, NHS England and the University of Surrey to run (a) the Preparation for Practice Placements project which aims to pilot a resource for educators to prepare pre-registration healthcare learners for their first practice placement focusing on the non-clinical skill aspects of clinical practice (b) the Aspirant Educator Masterclasses project to guide healthcare practitioners towards educator roles and give them insight into the range of roles and required preparation. I am also a member of the UK Allied Health Professionals Leading InteGrated Care BetweeN Social Care and Health) Expert Reference Group.


Between 2009 - 2024, I acted as the Editor-in-Chief for The International Journal of Human Rights in Healthcare, Emerald, previously titled Ethnicity and Inequalities in Health and Social Care Journal.

In 2009, I also worked with the UK Department of Health to help them create a national delivery plan to support justice in healthcare. This resulted in Gavrielides, T. (2009) "Review by human rights specialist of Improving Health, Supporting Justice: A National Delivery Plan" in Department of Health Equality Impact Assessment of Improving Health, Supporting Justice, Department of Health: London.

In 2007, I was asked by the UK Parliament to give oral evidence to their public inquiry on the treatment of older people by healthcare public sector providers. This resulted in Gavrielides, T. (2007) The Human Rights of older people in healthcare, Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights: London.

Finally, I worked with the UK Ministry of Justice (then Department for Constitutional Affairs) to introduce a Human Rights Strategy in health and social care services, resulting in: 


IARS International Institute

In 2001, I founded the IARS International Institute  in my kitchen in the hope that it can give voice and representation to marginalised groups in decision making, policies and practices independently of location or background. A young migrant himself at the time, I believed that by bringing people together through the sharing of power and the values of dignity, equality and fairness, he can challenge top down structures of control and facilitate the development of strong democracies. In February 2020, I stepped down from my role as IARS’ Director after almost 20 years of building a strong charity. They renamed it Sculpt.

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Youth Voice Journal

I am the Founder and Editor in Chief of The Youth Voice Journal (YVJ™) which is the leading international peer-reviewed journal publishing theoretical contributions and empirical studies on issues affecting young people and youth work. YVJ™ is published by RJ4All Publications and is ranked and indexed by Scopus, ORCID, Kudos, Criminal Justice Abstracts, EBSCO and ERIH PLUS.


Internet Journal of Restorative Justice

I am the Founder and Editor in Chief of The Internet Journal of Restorative Justice (IJRJ®), which is the leading, international peer-reviewed journal on restorative justice. It was established in 2012 to push the boundaries of criminal justice by adopting a unique, practical approach to researching and investigating restorative justice. It is indexed and ranked by Scopus, Kudos, The European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences (ERIH PLUS), Criminal Justice Abstracts and EBSCO.


Power, race, justice and restorative justice 

This multi-year programme is structured around four concepts, which act as pillars for its arguments and indeed contribution: power, race, justice and restorative justice. These concepts are brought under one roof and challenged for two reasons. First, I want to create a normative and practical framework that can be used to counter-balance power abuse and the way in which it is manifested in inter-personal, inter-community or inter-state affairs, relationships, conflicts and partnerships. Second, I want to elevate justice, and restorative justice in particular, as I claim responsibility for not challenging them enough during times that communities needed them. 

I have published the first findings of my work in  Gavrielides, T. (2021). Power, Race & Justice: The restorative dialogue we won’t have. Abingdon: Routledge. 


Preventing & Addressing Violent Radicalisation, Extremism and hate violence

My work in this real is multifaceted. Firstly, I have been running a multi-year capacity-building, research, awareness raising and educational programme, aiming to explore the role, potential and limitations of restorative justice and pilot community-led initiatives for preventing individuals at risk of violent radicalisation with an emphasis on young people. The project also aims to increase awareness around alternative, positive approaches to violent radicalisation and extremism using my RJiNEAR positive preventative model.


Secondly, I published ​Gavrielides, T. (2025), Addressing Violent Radicalisation and Extremism: A Restorative Justice & Psychosocial Approach, New York: Springer. ISBN 978-3-031-84031-9.

Thirdly, I support national and international NGOs in reviewing or drafting policies and legislation to prevent and control these phenomena. An example is my consultancy work for OSCE where I draft a Practical Guide on using restorative justice for hate violence. 

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Convener of Level 5 Diploma in Restorative Justice Practice, and other CPD certified courses

I am the convener of over 30 courses and e-courses certified with Continuous Professional Development. 


In addition, I am the Convener of the world's first Level 4 Diploma in Restorative Justice Practice. I also teach on the BSc (Hons) Forensic Psychology – restorative justice modules (University of East London) while in 2015 I designed the Work-based Certificate in Youth Policy (accredited through London Metropolitan University).


Restorative Justice Art

Since 2019, I have been working on developing and implementing the concept of "restorative justice art". 

I define this  as “the engagement of visual (e.g. drawing, filmmaking, musical performances), literary (e.g. poetry) performing (e.g. signing, music composition, theatre) plastic (sculpture) printmaking (e.g. digital printing) arts through the ethos (e.g. power sharing, co-design, equality) and practices (e.g. circles) of restorative justice. Follow the link to find out more and access my related publications.

RJ art

Positive Psychology & restorative justice

Since 2013, I have been running this programme, which aims to take the next step in deepening the relationship between the Good Lives Model and restorative justice.


My programme uses the tool of positive psychology and positive criminology to provide a fresh critical analysis of restorative practices, which have recently received much attention by policy makers and politicians. As part of this initiative I have carried out a series of project generating ground breaking research that I have been using in the writing and editing of a number of books, chapters and peer reviewed publications.

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Building the first restorative post code in the world

In June 2021, I was fortunate to be given the Rotherhithe Community Centre located in South East London. Since then, I set up several free services for the community such as a food bank and a community fridge, a community library and gym, a warm hub and a number of projects. The intention is to test my theory and vision for building the first restorative post code in the world. Much has been said about restorative cities. But what about focusing more local? Watch this video for more ...

Restorative Justice and child sexual abuse

Since 2012, I have been running a research and implementation programme on addressing and preventing child sexual abuse through restorative justice. My focus has been on institutional abuses such as those that occurred within the Catholic Church. The programme includes primary and second research, evaluation of cases and direct interventions. It has resulted in several publications in peer reviewed journals and books. More can be accessed here.

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