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This e-book presents the work of children and young people who used the values of restorative justice to create and deliver youth-led social action projects that enhanced community cohesion. The two projects were Watersports Youth Matters funded by the Mayor of London and Restore Respect in Rotherhithe funded by the United St. Saviours Charity and Southwark Council. The e-book brings the results of their work to life with the aim of inspiring other children and young people to do the same, and become community leaders in their localities independently of where they are from. The e-book is a live testimony of the value that youth-led social action can bring to community cohesion and it articulates how art, sports, dialogue and restorative justice can be used to empower marginalised groups to become inspirational leaders.

Youth-led Restorative Justice in action

  • Foreword:Nick Johnson, Councillor for Surrey Docks, Southwark

    Introduction Dr. Theo Gavrielides, RJ4All Founder and Director

    About Restorative Justice for All

    Youth-led restorative justice in action Desiree Noriega, RJ4All Project Officer

    The Youth Scrutiny Panel

    The youth-led restorative justice projects

    Watersports Youth Matters

    3Rs: Restoring Respect in Rotherhithe

    Reflections from the young people

    RJ4All Publications: Restorative Justice Series

  • RJ4All International Institute (2019) Youth-led restorative justice in action: Using art, sports and the values of restorative justice to enhance community cohesion, London: RJ4All Publications, ISBN: 978-1-911634-16-4.

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