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Gavrielides, T. Lyon, B., Matczak, A. (2012), Restorative Justice in the UK, London: IARS Publications. 978-1-907641-14-5 (online).


This is an e-book available only in pdf and Kindle. For Amazon kindle purchase follow the link  


This e-book presents an up-to-date account of restorative justice in the UK. The book is a good tool for any undergraduate or postgraduate student, policy maker, practitioner or member of the public who wants to learn about restorative justice in the UK.

The e-book explores and discusses the current provisions, legislation and practice of restorative justice in the United Kingdom. Comparisons between England, Northern Ireland and Scotland are drawn, and contrasts between youth and adult practice are highlighted. The struggles with the traditional criminal justice system and restorative practices' place in it are also considered.

After a descriptive account of restorative justice, the book proceeds with a critical analysis. It presents current threats and opportunities for the development of restorative justice as well as a list of key practitioners and policy initiatives.

Restorative Justice in the UK

  • Introduction

    The legal framework of restorative justice in the United Kingdom

    1.         England and Wales  1. 1. RJ in the youth justice system

    1. 2. RJ in the adult criminal justice system

    2.         Scotland 2.1. RJ in the youth justice system

    2.2. RJ in the adult criminal justice system

    3.         Northern Ireland

    3.1. RJ in the youth justice system

    3.2. RJ in the adult criminal justice system

    4.         Reflections: victim involvement

    Restorative Justice in Practice

    1.         Restorative justice programmes, initiatives, services

    2.         RJ research and promotion projects

    Informal referrals & other restorative justice initiatives

    1.         Victim initiated processes

    2.         Restorative approaches

    3.         Mediated restorative processes

    The key practitioners of RJ  

    Reforming the Criminal Justice System

    Critical Thinking: Opportunities and Threats for restorative justice

    1.         Conceptual conflicts

    2.         Training and accreditation

    3.         Funding limitations & evaluation

    4.         Watering down the victim-centred RJ principles

    5.         Watering down the RJ principle of voluntariness


    Appendix I: Youth Justice System – England & Wales

    Appendix II: Restorative Justice Projects in the UK

    Appendix III: Case studies of restorative justice in the UK

    Appendix IV: The current criminal justice legislative framework in the UK

    Appendix V: Restorative Justice: principles - codes - guidance

    Appendix VI: About IARS

    Appendix VII: About the Authors

    Appendix VIII: About the Restorative Justice Research Network (RJRN)


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