This article examines mentoring as a legitimate component in the process of restorative justice through a qualitative methodological approach that provides context to the concept of mentoring. The idea is to conceptualize the efficacy of mentoring as it pertains to students practicing restoratively within the framework of school organizations and the policies implemented to address disciplinary issues. In order to fully understand the ineffectiveness of punitive discipline such as the overuse of extreme punishment, we must explore the possibility that the traditional system is severely flawed, and that over time the current school punitive policies like zero tolerance only perpetuates worse student behavior. What the mentoring occupational component provides is a supportive addition to sequential restorative (provide an opportunity for community members to come together to address harmful behavior in a process that explores harms and needs, obligations, and necessary engagement) circles within the restorative forms of school discipline. Many of the pitfalls that restorative justice faces as it establishes an identity in the overwhelming complexities of public education centers around the long-term impact of its usefulness. The article explores a conceptual model that provides a supportive approach to the restorative justice model of sequential circles as a way to shift the discipline paradigm in urban public schools.
Keywords: Mentoring Occupational Component, Restorative Justice, Peer Jury, Net-Shallowing, Mediation, Role-Modeling, Facilitated Mentoring, Social Control.
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